Wielding the Sword of the Spirit: Scriptural Strategies for Today's Battles
Mar 11, 2025Summary
The sword of the Spirit, as delineated in Ephesians 6:17, emerges as one of the most formidable offensive weapons against the adversary, a theme we explore in today's discourse. Joined by the insightful Tiffany Fletcher, the astute Tamara Anderson, and the ever-illuminating Amy Johnson, we delve into the profound significance of wielding the Word of God in our daily lives.
Through engaging anecdotes and scriptural examples, we illuminate how this divine weapon not only serves as a shield against deception but also empowers us to discern truth amidst the myriad of lies that assail us. A particular highlight is the illustration of Jesus Christ utilizing scripture to vanquish temptation, thereby underscoring the transformative power of God's Word in our own battles. As we navigate the complexities of life, we invite you to reflect on the scriptures, for they are not merely words but a lifeline to strength and clarity in times of turmoil.
Show Notes
Tiffany Fletcher, alongside her insightful co-hosts Tamara Anderson and Amy Johnson, presents a captivating dialogue centered around the Sword of the Spirit as delineated in Ephesians 6:17. This episode delves into the significance of the Word of God as an indispensable tool in the spiritual armory of believers, highlighting its dual role as a protective barrier and an offensive weapon against the adversary. The conversation reveals the profound implications of engaging with Scripture, illustrating how it can illuminate the truth and dispel the shadows of deception that often cloud our judgment. Drawing from the narrative of Jesus' temptations, the women underscore the effectiveness of wielding Scripture as a countermeasure against the lies that the adversary seeks to implant in our minds.
As the discussion unfolds, the trio shares personal anecdotes that showcase the transformative power of the Word in their lives. Amy reflects on how a particular Scripture became a lifeline during challenging times, reinforcing the notion that Scripture can serve as a source of hope and clarity. The conversation not only explores the theological underpinnings of the Sword of the Spirit but also offers practical advice for integrating Scripture study into the daily lives of listeners. By proposing strategies such as memorizing favorite verses and creating intentional moments for reflection, the hosts empower their audience to make the Word of God a central aspect of their spiritual journey. Ultimately, this episode serves as a clarion call to embrace the Sword of the Spirit, inviting believers to harness its power in their daily battles against the forces of darkness.
- The sword of the Spirit, described in Ephesians 6:17, serves as our primary offensive weapon against the adversary, emphasizing the necessity of engaging with Scripture to combat spiritual battles.
- Through the example of Jesus Christ during his temptations, we learn that invoking Scripture is crucial; his reliance on God's Word exemplifies how we can effectively counteract the lies of Satan.
- Memorizing and pondering Scripture not only fortifies our defense against spiritual attacks but also empowers us to discern truth from the myriad of deceptions we encounter daily.
- Incorporating Scripture into our routines, even in brief moments, allows us to internalize God's truth, fostering a profound connection with our faith and enhancing our resilience against adversity.
Host & Guests
Tiffany Fletcher @tiffnyfletcher
Tiffany is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is an author, wife, mother and an example of faith & courage. Through her life experiences she shares hope in coming from a place of darkness to light and love. You can find her on social media @tiffanyfletcher or on her blog: motherhadasecret.blogspot.com
Tamara K. Anderson @tamarakanderson
Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/
Amy Johnson @amyajohnson5
Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:00:00.480 - 00:00:08.260
What is one of the best offensive weapons against the adversary? Want to know the answer? Stay tuned. We're going to talk about this today.
00:00:10.320 - 00:00:46.690
Welcome to Bible Women in Bathrobes, the podcast where faith meets comfort.
Join us Tuesday morning as the gals from Women warriors of Light and their guests don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount, we explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood and maybe even a few sleepy eyed moments.
Tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:00:52.030 - 00:01:03.436
Welcome to Bible Women in Bathrobes. We are so happy to have you here today. My name is Tiffany Fletcher and I'm going to be your host. And we have joining us Tamara Anderson, our founder.
How are you, Tamara?
Tamara K. Anderson
00:01:03.628 - 00:01:04.680
Doing great.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:01:05.540 - 00:01:09.452
Wonderful. And the amazing Amy Johnson. How are you doing, Amy?
Amy Johnson
00:01:09.516 - 00:01:12.280
Well, that was quite an introduction. I'm doing better now.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:01:12.660 - 00:02:01.530
Perfect. Well, that's, that's good. We're happy to have both of you here today. Today we're going to talk more about our armor of light.
In our Armor Light series, we're going to focus on Ephesians chapter 6, verse 17. Now, last time we talked about the helmet of salvation, but the second part is the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
So that verse is take the helmet of salvation, which we talked about last time, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. So let's talk about the sword of the spirit. I love this topic.
I love it because it's one of the most powerful things that we can have against the adversary. So as we think of that scripture, Tamara, what are some of your thoughts on the sword of the spirit?
Tamara K. Anderson
00:02:02.430 - 00:03:32.440
Oh, oh, so many good thoughts here.
First of all, I love that they say the word of God, that the word of God can help us battle Satan because we know that the words that are in the scriptures are powerful. I love the example of Jesus Christ. When the Satan comes to tempt him that he casts him out.
And then he says a verse from the Old Testament and that is found in Matthew chapter 4. For example, when Satan came and tempted him, he's like, if you're the son of God, command that these stones be made to bread.
Because he was hungry, he'd fasted for 40 days. And Jesus answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
And so I love that Jesus uses the power of the Word of God to counter Satan's lies. Right. That's a great offensive weapon. And he does that, you know, three different times.
So I love, love, love this example of using the power of the Word of God to help protect us from the lies that the adversary throws at us.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:03:33.220 - 00:03:37.628
Yeah, that's wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. Amy, what are some of your thoughts?
Amy Johnson
00:03:37.804 - 00:04:48.910
Tamara, I love that. That was so insightful. And I. As you were talking, I saw how each of the pieces of armor is so intertwined with the Word.
Obviously, we talk about in John 1:1 that the word created and that the Word is Christ. And to me, that is right there. That's enough. That's enough. But if we look at these different pieces, we've.
We've talked about how we have the helmet of salvation and the words that run through our minds, and then we talk about how we need to be girded about with truth. That's why the Word of God works, because he cannot lie. So everything in the Word of God is truth.
As long as we're getting pure words of God, we're getting truth. And so I. I really.
I really think that's a really awesome image for me is that when I'm reading the words of God, I'm actually taking in Jesus Christ and truth.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:04:50.450 - 00:08:01.328
That is beautiful. I love that. I love how you said that they're all intertwined because they really are. If we.
If we want to shield ourselves with the armor of light, the foundation of that is scripture, right? Like it is. It is the truth.
It is the Word, it is everything that's going to prepare us to get our loins girded so that we can move forward and cast Satan out like it is everything.
And Tamara, I love how you shared about how Satan was cast out by the Savior with words in every single time, Every single time Satan came trying to tempt him. It was a scripture. It was the word of God that Jesus used. So in my own life, I've studied a lot about this in the thoughts.
And it is true that the scripture is light and it will cast out the adversary. And I invite my kids to even read scriptures.
And not just read scriptures, but ponder them and even memorize them so that when the heart, when Satan comes, or when those thoughts come that are just weighing you down, I invite them, okay? Have a scripture. Have a favorite scripture that you go to that will help you counteract the adversary.
Because Jesus, he knew those scriptures by heart, right? He knew them by heart. We are not as great as the Savior. Is knowing scriptures by heart. And so we have to be intentional about it.
So, so we're very intentional about making sure that we have our favorite scriptures that we've memorized so that we have a place for our mind though. And the word of God is amazing like that. I want to share scripture, Hebrews 4, verse 12. It talks about the Word of God.
It says, for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword piercing even to the dividing ascender of soul and and spirit and of the joints and marrow. And it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. I love that.
Like the word of God is a two edged, powerful sharper than any two edged sword piercing and dividing asunder. That is what we need when we're fighting the adversary.
Like in the past we've talked about how we have armor, but this is not only a protection for us, it can also be a weapon. We can also use it against the adversary. So in this armor of light, God has given us all the armor to protect each space.
Our heart and our mind, our feet, our loins. We have that shield and protection there and we have the protection of God's word. But it's two edged, it's also a weapon.
So how can we use, how is God's word a weapon? How can we use it in the fight against the adversary?
What are some ways and we learn from the Savior, but what are some other ways that we can use the scriptures as a weapon against the darkness in our lives?
Amy Johnson
00:08:01.384 - 00:10:18.080
Amy, I love that question. I need to share something probably, and I don't really know how to.
I have a favorite scripture and it used to be in my first years of marriage that people would sometimes say, what's your favorite scripture? And I was like. And now they're like, what's your favorite scripture? I'm like, bam. I know, like it's so obvious.
And the reason it's my favorite scripture is because when you're in marriage and I everybody gets to choose what they do and how they act and all the things. But I at one point woke up and realized it wasn't necessarily how I was acting that was causing a problem for me.
It was what I was thinking and what I was believing. And I found this scripture one day that talked about how beliefs can destroy relationships, it can destroy your peace, it can destroy all the things.
And that became my scripture. And a couple episodes ago when we talked about truth, I think it was truth.
We talked about another scripture in the Bible Psalms, I think it was, but it talked about how the vain imaginations of the heart. And I think that's. That's what scripture does for me, is it puts in place that scripture I tell people saved my marriage.
That's powerful, because instead of believing the lies that were running through my head and why my husband was doing the things he was doing, I was able to hang on to that and say, no, no, seek for truth. What is really happening here? What's really going on? Don't. You don't get to assign dark motives. You don't get to assign.
You have to accept truth, what is really going on here. And. And it caused a shift. And so having a favorite scripture saved my marriage, which probably saved my life in a lot of ways.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:10:18.420 - 00:11:07.670
Wow, that's beautiful. I love how scripture has the ability to do that for us. Satan is trying so hard to sell us so many lies, isn't he? And he tries to tell us those l.
In a way that they seem believable. And. And that's what scripture does, is it anchors us in truth. It helps us get to the point where we can recognize, wait a minute.
That is not the truth. But once you read the scripture, the spirit automatically opens up your ability to discern truth from error.
And you can start seeing the truth not just in the scriptures, but like you said, in your own life, in your own marriage, you can start understanding and recognizing that, okay, this is a lie that Satan's selling me, and I'm going to anchor myself in truth. That is so beautiful.
Amy Johnson
00:11:07.830 - 00:12:27.176
And can I just also add to that, that there's something really powerful about reading the word aloud? Because when you hear your own voice speaking that truth, that really allows the spirit to cement that truth and make it your reality.
In fact, yesterday, I. I'm in a position in life right now where I'm. I've been grieving some things, and I'm feeling a little flipped upside down emotionally.
And I said something about life is kind of a mess right now. And my. My husband actually said, actually, life is really beautiful.
And if you'll just say that out loud, then I think we'll have a better shot of you healing from the things you're grieving. And I was like, oh, you're right. Like, I do need to say those things out loud instead of. And I. I used to teach that all the time.
Instead of saying, oh, I'm so tired. I can't do this. This is so hard. Start saying, I can do this. I can. Chris. Tamara's favorite scripture, I can do all things through Christ.
I can do this. I am alive in Christ. He lifts me up. He is there for me. He goes before my face. Whatever you need to say, but those are the things that are true.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:12:27.368 - 00:13:53.760
I love that. You know, for many years, growing up with the mom who had multiple personalities, it was, it was really rough. Like, every day was rough.
She had a very violent, violent altar. And the scripture, I mean, she had, we had a bang on the fridge and it had a scripture on it. And, and the scripture was simple.
This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. So simple, right? So simple.
Yet that scripture, every single day, I would put that, I would say that this is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And I would play the glad game. It's so funny from Pollyanna.
I would play the glad game because that scripture would remind me that I needed to focus on the good and the glad things in life and that the day would go better if I did, rather than settling, wallowing in my room, recognizing, you know, that I probably would be abused that day. I was probably, it was probably going to be really hard, but just, just telling myself, this is the day the Lord has made.
I'm going to rejoice and I'm going to be glad in it and come up, man, love it, right? And I, and I know that that was the spirit helping me, right?
That was the spirit giving me that direction because, because that scripture really did become a saving grace for me, just like yours did for you. And, and, and it made it so that I can move through hard things. And that's what scripture does. It, it helps us move through hard things.
Tamara, what are your, some of your thoughts?
Tamara K. Anderson
00:13:55.460 - 00:15:50.610
I find it so interesting that we have, the only offensive weapon we have in this armor of light is, is a, is Jesus Christ. He is a God and the Spirit and his Word. He is the Word. And that, that we by ourselves cannot battle the adversary. We are not strong enough.
We're not smart enough. We're not wise enough.
But with him cleaving to that sword, we can see and discern the lies that are being thrown at us, the things that he's attacking us with. And, and we can deflect and protect. And, and so I, I, I've always found it so, so amazing that that is what our offensive weapon is. It is God.
Our offensive weapon is God. And so I'm thankful to know that, that we're not alone in this battle that we have him and we have his Word, which is truth.
And I think that is so, so powerful in helping us see through the lies that were constant being told. Especially in these latter days, sadness and deception and lies are rampant.
And so being able to discern, that ability to discern, to have God's spirit with us, to inspire us and uplift us and strengthen us, that's. That's one of the keys to getting through in this battle.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:15:52.320 - 00:16:42.520
That is so true. As you were talking, I was thinking about.
Both of you were talking, I was thinking about really the importance of Scripture and how much it really can affect our lives. Yet it's one of those things that some of us struggle to do on a daily basis, right?
It's that one thing that we're like, I just am so busy that I don't know that I have time to just read. Read Scripture or to take that time with the Lord and, And really get centered and. And focused. And.
And so I really was thinking, like, maybe what are some of the things that we can do? Maybe, Amy, what are some of the things that.
That you do to help have that scripture time with the Lord so that you can use scripture as a defense in your life?
Amy Johnson
00:16:44.660 - 00:20:21.960
Years and years ago, I was a young mother of five, and I went to a meeting, and the speaker was talking to just women, and he was talking about all the things that we do that are busy in our lives. We're driving the car, we're doing the laundry, we're making dinner, we're taking care of. We're changing diapers, we're.
And he totally, like, that resonated with me. And. And he had his scriptures there with him, and he. He kept doing this with him, and I thought that was really awesome.
He kept holding him close to his chest, and he said, how many of you can eat a candy bar while you do laundry? And we were all like, yeah, like, he had a Snickers bar, right? And he's like, well, how many of you can do that while you drive?
Well, how many of you can do that while you're making dinner? Well, how many of you can do. Right? And he went through all these things, right? And we were like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And he taught this principle that I have used my entire life since and have not ever forgotten, and that is that he said, you either take a small enough set that you can kind of keep it with you all the time, or you lay open your scriptures in a central location where you're going to be. And he said. And then you just walk past and you take a bite.
And he took a bite of the candy bar and he set it down, and he said, now, as you fold laundry, you can chew on it. And he said, you do the same thing with scriptures and you take a bite, and then while you go about the rest day, you chew on that.
And so right now, I told you, I'm grieving a lot of things, and I'm trying to figure my holy rhythms back out again. Because I. I used to have all these holy rhythms. It was a little easier as a housewife. I had done that for 30 years. I knew what that looked like.
I'm trying to figure out where to put the holy rhythms. I am somebody who needs, like, eight to 10 hours of sleep to not be a monster.
And I'm not kidding, and I don't know why, but I've always been that way.
And now I'm getting six to seven a night and trying really hard in my extremity to not become that monster that I know is just begging to take control. But one of the things I'll do is I will just read a scripture really quickly and then just chew on it and just think about it.
The other day I was thinking about a scripture that had the word subdued in it. What does that even mean? And, and actually, here's a really good one that happened two, two, three weeks ago.
I read something that said Christ, and I chewed on that and thought, what actually does the word Christ mean? Names mean things. My name means beloved. I've shared that before. Christ. What does that mean?
And so I looked up, and it seems that most people generally agree that Christ means the anointed one.
Well, yesterday I was having an experience after chewing on that for a couple of weeks, where I realized that God actually anoints his people as they take upon them the name of Christ. And I was like, oh. And all of a sudden, pieces started to fall into place for me.
And I got so excited because I was like, oh, my gosh, this is so cool. Now, taking on the name of Christ means something totally different to me than it did before, because I am anointed.
If I take upon me the name of Christ.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:20:23.620 - 00:21:23.662
That's beautiful. And we all, when we take up on the name of Christ, we receive his anointing and, and we receive his aid. We receive his spirit.
That spirit is crucial in today's world, isn't it? It is something that if we don't have, we are susceptible to listening to the lies and, and, and following the adversary down to Whoa. Right.
As the scriptures say. I think as you were talking, it made me think about how simple that is. Right?
Like, that's really simple to be able to just give yourself permission to read one scripture and chew on it for a little bit.
And it's such a simple way that we can bring that scripture and that power of protection and defense in our life and also using it as a weapon against the adversary in the darkness. Tamara, what are some of your thoughts on this?
Tamara K. Anderson
00:21:23.846 - 00:23:55.460
Well, I think at different points in our lives, scripture study looks totally, totally different. Young mom, it looked very, very different for me versus now that my kids are all adults, it looks different.
I have more time on different days to really dive in and study. But I think probably one of the best ways, if you're trying to figure out how to fit scripture study into your life, is to talk to God about it.
God, how can I fit scripture study into my life? What is the best way for me to do it in my life and then see what thoughts he puts into your mind? Because we have so many resources for us nowadays.
I mean, with our phones with us, we can pull it out and while we're eating breakfast, or if you're eating breakfast on the go, you can push play and. And we have audio scriptures now. Do you know what I mean? And so there are so many ways that we can get our daily dose of the word of God in.
And maybe we hear something and. Oh, wait, pause. I need to think about that verse. You know, if we're listening to it, where is that? I need to highlight that.
So there's so many ways that we can get that in. But often if we're trying to do a habit, it's good to pair it with something that we already do.
You know, my mom, bless her cute soul, every day while she gets ready and does her hair. And she's done this for decades. Every day while she does her hair, she has her scriptures out.
And I'm sure they have hairspray all over them from years and years of her scriptures study. But while she's combing her hair and curling it and drying it and all that stuff, she sits there and reads her scriptures.
It's something she does every day she gets ready every day she does her. She reads her scriptures while she gets ready every day. And so I think, you know, pair it with something that you already do every day.
Brush, brushing my teeth. You know, maybe you stick some. A favorite verse on the mirror that you're going to read that week.
I'm going to read it while I'm brushing my teeth and think about it and chew on it, like Amy said, you know? So there's different strategies to scripture study. And wherever you are in your life, God will inspire you to do what works best for you.
So if you're not sure, talk to God. He'll help you figure it out.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:23:55.840 - 00:27:17.304
That is the best advice I think I've ever heard. And it's absolutely true. I. For me, when I took it to the Lord, I was like, God, I'm not making scripture study.
I'm not very good at making it a daily thing, and I want to make it a daily thing, so help me. And he. For me, he said, I need you to sacrifice your sleep. I'm a really busy woman.
And he said, I need you to get up a half hour earlier, and I need you to just read your scriptures in that half hour, just study them and just spend some time with me. And I can tell you that I'm not perfect at it. There are days when I'm like God, I am just so tired. I don't. But here's the thing.
I plan to do it every day. And that is the goal, to do it every day.
Sometimes it doesn't happen every day, but I can say in the past two weeks, it's happened every day, because I'm trying to make it more of a priority. And I can also tell you that those days that I do it, my life is different. My day is different. My attitude towards my children is different.
My attitude towards life in general is different. I feel that I am armored with light. I feel that I am armored with strength. I feel like I am armored with a spirit.
And I feel like I can conquer whatever comes. Does that mean that every day has been easy? Goodness, no, it is not.
But it does mean that with Christ, everything is easier than it would have been had I not done it. And it made me think about Moses. You know, here Moses was. People were sick. You know, they were bit by snakes. And the cure was simple.
It was looking at this, you know, looking at the staff. And all they had to do was just look at the staff and they would be healed.
And so many people didn't look at this stuff because they didn't believe, because it was so simple that they just didn't believe that that was going to help them. And I feel like that scripture study, too, like.
Like, if you are fighting darkness in your life, and if the adversary feels like he's overwhelming you, read your scriptures. It is really that simple. Take that half hour time, 15 minute time, 10 minute, 5 minute.
Whatever the spirit tells you, directs you to do, take that time with the Lord. And I promise you it really is that simple. To fight back the darkness in your life by taking that time just to.
Just to receive the scriptures that God wants you to do.
Sometimes when I'm struggling in the middle of the day, I will just open my scriptures randomly and I will just with the prayer and I will say, God, I need. I have this question or I just need light today. And I will open it up and I'll say, please teach me something.
And I will read until I learn something right. And sometimes it's just a line. Sometimes it takes like a few verses, sometimes it takes an entire chapter.
But every time I'm filled, I can move forward. What are some things that it looks like our time, we're getting close to, so our time to need to wrap it up. So let's talk about takeaways.
Tamara, let's start with you. What is your takeaway from today?
Tamara K. Anderson
00:27:17.472 - 00:28:32.268
Oh, my goodness.
I think the biggest takeaway really is that because the word of God is so powerful in helping protect us from the lies of the adversary, that this is one of the things that the adversary is going to work really, really hard to make us forget to do or to help us think. You don't need to do that today. You know, it's not important.
So anything that really is important, the adversary is going to work to get us not to do it.
So it has to become a priority and pray to have God help you make that a priority because it really does make a difference in your life as you incorporate it.
And daily scripture study can be such a powerful offensive weapon against the adversary and helping you see your life more clearly, see lies and truth more clearly. So that's really my takeaway.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:28:32.444 - 00:28:35.920
So, so beautiful. Thank you, Amy.
Amy Johnson
00:28:38.020 - 00:29:33.740
I think we didn't really even say this, but I think what I'm feeling prompted is that when I start to feel down, when I start to feel not good enough, when I start to feel like I don't matter in life, the best thing I can do is combat that with the Word of God in truth. And to, to. And I, I, I used to do this when I, my situation is kind of interesting now, but at home, I used to have.
I put things on the mirror that were true. And, and that favorite scripture of mine was always front and center, like it was right there.
And, and I think what I'm feeling is that that's, that's what needs to happen when I'm feeling down. I need to combat whatever lies are going on in my head with something true from the Word of God.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:29:35.120 - 00:31:29.390
So, so beautiful and so true. I think that if we all took that advice that we would be able to overcome those, those fiery darts that Satan definitely tries to throw at us.
Thank you. I wanted to end with another one of my favorite scriptures which actually talks about the Word of God. And this one because I love light so much.
It has always been a real. It has really touched me. And that's Psalms 119, 105. It says, Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
And I just, I just want to end with just the invitation to add light to your life.
Like clothe yourself in that armor of light by making sure that scriptures are a daily part of your life because it is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. But that Word of God is going to bring the Spirit into your life in a way that you have never experienced before.
It is going to become a lamp for your path, a lamp for your feet, and a light for your path. God will open up. Like Tamara said, pray to him and ask what he would have you do and then open the scriptures.
I've heard a lot of times that that prayer is our is the way we talk to God and Scripture is the way he talks to us. You will find him in the Scriptures. He will become a light to you that will open the way in so many avenues.
And as you make sure that this becomes a daily habit in your life, that sword of the Spirit will not only be a protection, but you will be able to use it against the adversary, just as the Savior did. And that is my promise to you if you make this a reality in your life.
00:31:30.250 - 00:32:10.750
Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women or the teachings of the Savior today with you.
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All opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decide, decipher, and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful and may your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.