Embracing God's Wisdom for Mental Health christian women counting blessings don't compare inspiration kindness mental health May 09, 2023

My Dear Sister-Warriors,

Let me share a story with you that touched my heart deeply. A few years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing a remarkable woman on a podcast. She carried...

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Discovering Your True Beauty: Putting Ugly in its Place don't compare hope for future self-love self-worth Feb 24, 2020

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

I pray this letter finds you enveloped in the grace and love of our Savior. Today, I want to share with you a timeless tale that has traversed 175 years, a...

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Embracing Our Unique Missions with Faith and Love don't compare life lessons life missions Aug 14, 2019

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a heartfelt story with you, a story that touched my soul deeply and reminded me of the precious truths that guide our journey as Christian Women Warriors of...

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Embracing Life's Challenges: My "Normal For Me" Story answer to prayer don't compare normal for me prayer Jan 10, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and surrounded by the love of our Heavenly Father. Today, I want to share a personal story, my "Normal For Me" story, a journey...

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