Ruth Part 1: What Can I Learn from the Story of Ruth? bible women bible women & bathrobes bible women story conversion death of loved one grief jesus christ naomi podcast ruth Apr 11, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 2

Join us in learning more about the story of Ruth from the Bible. We find ways to apply the experiences of Ruth from Ruth chapter 1 to women today. On this...

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Grief and Healing: Understanding and Managing Loss grief healing hope loss mourning Apr 04, 2023

This is an abridged guest post by Michelle Strickland from The full article was originally published here.

Grief is a universal human experience, often stemming from the loss of a loved...

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Navigating Grief During the Holidays christmas faith in christ grief holiday blues holidays hope for future hope in christ Dec 07, 2022

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds you well, especially as the holiday season approaches. For many, this time of year is filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments spent with...

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4 Tips to Move from Grief to Peace Amidst Life's Struggles anger grief peace sorrow stress relief support network Jan 23, 2019

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I want to take a moment to share parts of my journal entry from a challenging period in my life, about a decade ago, which I called my "day from hell." At...

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