Hopeful Hearts: A Mother's Dream of Autism-Free Eternity autism easter jesus christ resurrection Apr 12, 2017

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Have you ever had a recurring dream you wish came true?

In the quiet of my nights many years ago, I had a recurring dream. A dream so tender, it brought me both joy and...

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10 Traveling Tips for Children with Autism autism travel and autism travel tips for families Aug 05, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

These past few weeks I did a bit of traveling with my children, which is always an adventure since two of them are on the autism spectrum. So, you may be wondering, Tamara,...

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Navigating Tantrums and Finding Blessings: Lessons for Christian Women Warriors autism life challenges tips for hard times Apr 22, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

My dear sisters in faith, I want to share an experience from yesterday evening. I took my children to my daughter's 6th-grade Shakespeare play, aiming for great seats and an...

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Autism and Finding Faith in Church autism autism and church tips for autism and church Oct 14, 2015

Dear Sister in Christ,

Navigating church life with a child with autism is an adventure like no other! Our delightful Nathan once serenaded our congregation with a spontaneous, "Goodnight! Don't let...

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The Power of "I Want" autism parenting power in prayer Mar 16, 2015

Dear Warrior Sisters in Christ,

I'd like to share a little story that reminded me of the power of simple words and understanding in parenting, just like our Father in Heaven comprehends...

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Kindness of Strangers: A Mother's Story autism kindness mothering mishaps mothering stress Feb 20, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Today, I want to share a moment with you that reminded me of the kindness of strangers and the challenges we face as parents. Last fall, we decided to take our kids out to...

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My Son's Heart: Autism and Unconditional Love autism eternal perspective parenting siblings to autism Feb 12, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I wanted to share a moment from my family that touched my heart. My son, Jordan, recently expressed his thoughts about his brother Nathan, who has autism. Jordan wondered...

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Connections in Understanding: Parenting Special Needs Kiddos autism empathy kindness mothering challenges special needs parenting Jan 20, 2015

Dear Warrior of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well. I recently had a profound experience at the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City that I wanted to share with you. It reminded me of the...

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Melatonin Miracle: Autism & Sleep Struggles autism melatonin parenting special needs sleep challenges Jan 15, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I want to share a story that has been a miracle in my family's life, and I believe it can help you too. It's a story of sleep,...

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Transforming Life & Taste Buds: A Journey of Patience autism change special needs parenting transformation Jan 12, 2015

Dear Sisters in Faith,

I trust this letter finds you well. I wanted to share a heartwarming story about my son, Jacob, and the wonderful journey we've been on. It's a journey that has taught me so...

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