Prayer of Peace: Walking Hand in Hand with God comfort in chaos finding peace peace in christ prayer walk with god Mar 19, 2024

Dear sisters in Christ,

In the wake of recent tragedies, heartaches, and natural disasters that have left many of us feeling overwhelmed by darkness, I've been deeply reflecting on what we can do...

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Seeking Peace Amid the Christmas Rush christmas comfort in chaos hope peace and quiet peace in christ Dec 19, 2023

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

Amidst the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, I find myself yearning for moments of quiet reflection. Can you relate? As the world rushes around me, I pause to...

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Embracing the Holy Ghost: A Source of Comfort & Guidance comfort in chaos holy ghost holy spirit light peace in christ Jun 22, 2022

Dear Women Warrior of Light,

In the midst of life's challenges, we all long for comfort, guidance, and a testimony of God's love. The world can sometimes feel heavy, and in those moments, we need...

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Why Bad Things Happen to Good People bad things happen comfort in chaos coping with hardship suffering Nov 17, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

"Why do bad things happen to good people?" This is a question that often lingers in our hearts, especially in the face of recent tragedies with the terror attacks in Paris.

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