Navigating Life's Obstacles: A Message of Faith bible verse journey of faith life challenges overcoming struggles Mar 15, 2023

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

I can't express how much your love and support mean to me during this transitional phase, moving from my podcast to starting "Women Warriors of Light." You've asked how...

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Finding God's Strength in Life's Heavy Trials hard times i can do hard things life challenges strength in christ Jul 06, 2022

Dear Warrior of Light,

In the midst of life's trials, do you ever wonder if God truly walks beside you? When tears fall and despair looms, can you feel His presence? His peace? His strength?


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Navigating Life's Muddy Path with Faith faith inspiration life challenges life detours resilience Mar 02, 2022

My Dearest Sisters in the Light,

I want to start our conversation today by asking a simple yet profound question: Have you ever felt like you're trudging through the muddied muck life? Those...

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A Heartfelt Encounter in the ICU: Finding Hope in Unexpected Places hope life challenges prayer May 10, 2021

By Guest Blogger Caroline Rose (used with permission)

When I was in the ICU with my sick uncle, my aunt introduced me to the minister from her church. He had come to pray over my uncle’s...

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How Do You React When Life Changes? change hope life challenges resilience Apr 28, 2021

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you, my fellow warriors of light! I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the enduring hope that our Savior provides. In the midst of...

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Navigating Tantrums and Finding Blessings: Lessons for Christian Women Warriors autism life challenges tips for hard times Apr 22, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

My dear sisters in faith, I want to share an experience from yesterday evening. I took my children to my daughter's 6th-grade Shakespeare play, aiming for great seats and an...

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