Nathan's Grace: A Sweet Moment Amidst Challenges autism autism mom grace life missions parenting special needs Sep 14, 2023

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a sweet moment with you that filled my heart with joy and gratitude. Yesterday, our family faced a change in our schedule that didn't sit well with my...

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Blessed by Autism: A Perspective of Faith autism counting blessings faith parenting special needs trust god Jun 28, 2023

My Beloved Sisters in Christ,

I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and a story of transformation that has touched my soul deeply. It is a tale from a different time, a story that makes me...

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Angels on my Darkest Night: God's Comforting Presence angels answer to prayer autism dark nights hard times parenting special needs Mar 12, 2020

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a story with you, a story of a night when I felt like my world was falling apart, and the only question on my lips was, "God, where are you?" It was a night...

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Nurturing Joy: Non-Electronic Activities for Autism Families autism non-electronic ideas autism parenting special needs tips for autism and church Apr 24, 2019

My Beloved Families,

I come to you with a heart full of love and understanding, as we walk the extraordinary path of parenting children on the autism spectrum. Each day, we face unique challenges,...

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Unveiling 'Normal for Me': From Grief to Peace autism autism book normal for me parenting special needs Apr 16, 2019

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

I am thrilled to unveil the trailer for my latest book, "Normal for Me." This journey began when two of my precious sons were diagnosed with autism, and I want to...

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7 Tips to Help Parents of Tantruming Children with Autism autism kindness parenting special needs Apr 19, 2018

Dear Fellow Warriors of Light,

In the spirit of Autism Awareness Month, I'd like to share some insights into what it means to stand by a parent of a tantruming autistic child. Having walked this...

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Creating Visual Schedules: Guiding Children with Autism autism visual schedule children visual schedule parenting special needs May 26, 2015

My Dearest Warrior Moms,

Let me begin by commending you for your unwavering love, patience, and dedication to your children and especially to you who have children with autism. You are true...

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Melatonin Miracle: Autism & Sleep Struggles autism melatonin parenting special needs sleep challenges Jan 15, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I want to share a story that has been a miracle in my family's life, and I believe it can help you too. It's a story of sleep,...

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