God's Unwavering Love: A Message for When You're Feeling Forgotten bible verse death of loved one god's love inspiration not alone Jul 16, 2023

My Dear Warrior Sister,

As I sit here beside my son Nathan, who has low-functioning autism, I am moved to share a message of love and hope with you. In moments of hardship, it's easy to question...

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In Our Weeping, God Abides faith in christ god is there hope in adversity hope in hard times not alone peace in christ Sep 28, 2022

My Beloved Warriors of Light,

A few weeks ago, I had a heartwarming conversation with my daughter. She shared one of her favorite short verses from the Bible: "Jesus wept." I asked her what drew...

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Finding Hope When You Feel Forsaken faith forsaken not alone strength in christ trust god Nov 10, 2021

Dear Warrior Sister,

Have you ever felt forsaken, abandoned, and alone? In the midst of life's struggles, it's easy to believe that God has turned away from us, especially when we make mistakes and...

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Lessons of Faith and Hope: Overcoming Opioid Addiction agency life lessons not alone opioid addiction trust god Jul 19, 2019

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share with you an inspiring story, filled with faith, hope, and the strength to overcome addiction. This story comes from the heart of a Christian woman warrior of...

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Remembering with Purpose: A Path to Healing not alone purpose in pain remembering Mar 09, 2019

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

I come before you with a heart full of gratitude and vulnerability as I embark on this journey through the pages of "Normal for Me," the book I am launching in April....

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