Embracing Joy and Wisdom Through the Ages choose happiness wisdom Sep 20, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As I journey through life, I'm reminded that time passes quickly. How did my 19-year-old son grow up so fast?

Reflecting on my years working with the elderly, I've unearthed...

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20 Marriage Tips for Christian Couples marriage marriage tips Aug 11, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

This week my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Twenty years of marriage, laughter, adventures, and God's blessings! In this journey, we've learned...

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10 Traveling Tips for Children with Autism autism travel and autism travel tips for families Aug 05, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

These past few weeks I did a bit of traveling with my children, which is always an adventure since two of them are on the autism spectrum. So, you may be wondering, Tamara,...

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Faithful Multi-Tasker Moms Jun 28, 2016

Dear Multi-Tasker Moms,

In the whirlwind of motherhood, we wear countless hats. Remember, you're not alone in this beautiful chaos. The Bible reminds us in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there...

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Mother's Day Wasn't Perfect, But That's Okay mother's day motherhood parenting May 08, 2016

Dear Beloved Moms and Women of Grace,

I want to share something close to my heart with you today. It's about Mother's Day, a day that often comes with high expectations and hopes of perfection. But...

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Navigating Tantrums and Finding Blessings: Lessons for Christian Women Warriors autism life challenges tips for hard times Apr 22, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

My dear sisters in faith, I want to share an experience from yesterday evening. I took my children to my daughter's 6th-grade Shakespeare play, aiming for great seats and an...

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Overcoming Childhood Anxiety and Depression: A Journey of Faith and Healing childhood anxiety childhood depression Dec 08, 2015

My dear sisters in Christ,

Today, I want to share a heavy but crucial story of our family's experience with childhood anxiety and depression, particularly through the journey of our beloved...

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Why Bad Things Happen to Good People bad things happen comfort in chaos coping with hardship suffering Nov 17, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

"Why do bad things happen to good people?" This is a question that often lingers in our hearts, especially in the face of recent tragedies with the terror attacks in Paris.

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Autism and Finding Faith in Church autism autism and church tips for autism and church Oct 14, 2015

Dear Sister in Christ,

Navigating church life with a child with autism is an adventure like no other! Our delightful Nathan once serenaded our congregation with a spontaneous, "Goodnight! Don't let...

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Unleashing Unseen Strength exhaustion power in prayer strength in christ yoked to christ Oct 06, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

What do you do when you feel completely exhausted and worn out? Where do you turn?

In my life's chaotic moments, I've clung to Philippians 4:13 - "I can do ALL THINGS...

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Child of God: Embracing Divine Worth child of god self-worth Sep 30, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

One of life’s great questions, 'Who am I?' is answered simply, "I am a child of God," (Romans 8:16). Embrace your divine worth and treat others with respect.


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The Divine Gift of Music music Sep 22, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As Women Warriors of Light we are constantly searching for powerful tools to use in our fights against the adversary. As a mother, I've witnessed the incredible power of...

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