Moving Forward: Finding God's Path When Stuck bible story stuck trust god Oct 04, 2023

Dear Fellow Warrior of Light,

Have you ever found yourself in a place where it seems like you're backed into a corner, unable to move forward, and wondering if God has led you to this very point?...

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Walking on Water: Lessons of Faith and Hope bible story faith jesus christ stormy seas Sep 20, 2023

Dear Women Warriors of Light,

I'd like to share a personal story with you, one that taught me powerful lessons about faith and hope. When I was about five years old, my family visited a beach in...

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Nurturing Faith: The Gospel and the Parable of the Sower bible story faith gardening jesus christ parable of sower Sep 06, 2023

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the love and grace of our Lord. Today, I want to share a beautiful parable from the book of Matthew, a story that...

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Lessons from Mary & Elizabeth: Faith, Love, Courage bible story bible women story women of faith Aug 23, 2023

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the light of God's love. Today, I want to share some insights from the remarkable stories of two Bible...

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Conquering Fear with Faith: A Message of Courage bible story bible verse faith over fear fear overcoming fear overcoming struggles May 17, 2023

Dearest Warriors of Light,

I come to you today with a heart full of empathy, for I have grappled with fear in the depths of my own soul. It is a universal human experience, isn't it? That gripping...

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Building on the Rock: Strength in Christ bible story build on christ faith over fear strength in christ Mar 01, 2023

Hello, my fellow Hope-Full Warriors of Light!

Recently, I had the privilege of teaching a children's class at church about one of Jesus' powerful parables: the wise man and the foolish man who...

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Embracing Life's Unexpected Challenges with Faith adoption bible story faith jesus christ overcoming struggles special needs Aug 04, 2021

My Dearest Sister in the Journey,

As I write this letter to you, I want you to know that your heart's desire to have a life that aligns perfectly with your dreams and hopes is something we all...

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Caleb's Courage: 6 Principles for Setting and Achieving Goals bible story goal setting Dec 30, 2018

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

Can you believe the new year is upon us? It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting in my journal, drawing a picture of my goals in October. I want to...

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Wisdom of the Wise Men: Lessons for Seekers bible story christmas christmas story seek jesus Dec 23, 2018

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

As the holiday season approaches, my heart swells with joy and anticipation. There is something enchanting about this time of year that fills me with warmth and...

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6 Lessons from Angels and Shepherds at Christmas bible story christmas christmas story jesus christ seek jesus Dec 18, 2018

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

In the midst of the holiday season, I find myself reminiscing about cherished traditions, one of which holds a special place in my heart - singing. From as far back as...

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Emulating Mary the Mother of Jesus: Lessons in Faith & Humility bible story bible women story christmas mary mother of jesus nothing impossible with god Dec 10, 2018

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I hope you're well and feeling the spirit of the holiday season. As I reflect on this time of year, I'm reminded of a cherished family tradition from my...

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