How One Kind Act Fed My Hope inspiration kindness near-death experience Jul 12, 2023

Today I share a story from Guest Blogger, Rob A. Gentile. Rob survived a massive heart attack and a heart transplant. But the experience killed him—twice! He was able to tell his incredible...

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Battling Stigma: Let's Talk About Mental Health battle strategies change kindness mental health self-care wellness May 26, 2023

My Dear Friends in Christ,

As we step into the embrace of National Mental Health Awareness Month, the world is abuzz with discussions about mental health, and the resounding message is clear:...

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Embracing God's Wisdom for Mental Health christian women counting blessings don't compare inspiration kindness mental health May 09, 2023

My Dear Sister-Warriors,

Let me share a story with you that touched my heart deeply. A few years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing a remarkable woman on a podcast. She carried...

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Making a Difference: The Power of One Life example faith influence jesus christ kindness stories Aug 17, 2022

My Beloved Sisters in the Light,

Have you ever pondered the power of one life to impact the world? Think about the incredible influence of Jesus Christ, His mother Mary, Father Abraham, and even...

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Embracing Hope in the Darkest Moments hope kindness mothers resilience May 12, 2021

My Beloved Sisters in Christ,

May you feel the love of God this day, my fellow warriors of light. In this letter, I want to share stories that reflect the power of unwavering faith and the strength...

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Life Lessons from Richard Paul Evans authenticity kindness life lessons mentor May 20, 2019

Dear Radiant Women of Light,

I come before you with a story of transformation, sparked by the wisdom and grace of a man I now call a dear friend and mentor, Richard Paul Evans. Just a few years...

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7 Tips to Help Parents of Tantruming Children with Autism autism kindness parenting special needs Apr 19, 2018

Dear Fellow Warriors of Light,

In the spirit of Autism Awareness Month, I'd like to share some insights into what it means to stand by a parent of a tantruming autistic child. Having walked this...

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Kindness of Strangers: A Mother's Story autism kindness mothering mishaps mothering stress Feb 20, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Today, I want to share a moment with you that reminded me of the kindness of strangers and the challenges we face as parents. Last fall, we decided to take our kids out to...

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Connections in Understanding: Parenting Special Needs Kiddos autism empathy kindness mothering challenges special needs parenting Jan 20, 2015

Dear Warrior of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well. I recently had a profound experience at the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City that I wanted to share with you. It reminded me of the...

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