To Be In the Presence of Jesus faith healing hope jesus christ Nov 07, 2023

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

As I sit here today, I find myself pondering a question that perhaps you, too, have asked in the quiet moments of your life: If Jesus were to walk through the...

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Healing Hearts: Navigating PTSD with Love and Support healing hope in hard times mental health ptsd support network Jun 23, 2023

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

In the embrace of National PTSD Awareness Month, I am compelled to shed light on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, to dispel its stigma, and to offer solace to those it...

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Grief and Healing: Understanding and Managing Loss grief healing hope loss mourning Apr 04, 2023

This is an abridged guest post by Michelle Strickland from The full article was originally published here.

Grief is a universal human experience, often stemming from the loss of a loved...

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Bowed but Unbroken: Finding Healing in His Grace faith in christ healing hope in christ physical challenges strength in christ Mar 29, 2023

My Beloved Friend,

Recently, I stumbled upon a profound yet often overlooked story in Luke 13:11-13. A woman bent by pain for 18 years, unable to lift herself, meets Jesus. He declares, "Woman,...

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When Weariness Beckons, Find Renewal, Find Jesus exhaustion faith in christ healing hope in adversity renewal self-care Oct 12, 2022

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

I must begin with a heartfelt confession: I have been utterly exhausted in recent weeks. There comes a point when juggling too many things for too long takes its toll,...

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Embrace Your Emotions: The Healing Journey emotions healing self-aware self-reflection Jul 29, 2022

Dear Warrior of Light,

Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of healing? I invite you to explore the transformative power of embracing your emotions, as this path holds the key to your...

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Christmas Blessings: Finding Hope Amid Challenges christmas covid healing hope in christ jesus christ miracles Dec 23, 2020

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

Merry Christmas to you, my precious friends!

I come to you today with a heart full of gratitude, despite the unexpected challenges life has thrown my way this month....

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Miraculous Healing: A Testimony of Faith accident faith gratitude healing power in prayer Feb 11, 2019

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I pray this letter finds you well, wrapped in the comforting embrace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share a story with you, one that celebrates life, faith,...

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