Finding God in Life's Darkest Nights angels answer to prayer dark nights faith in christ hard times hope in adversity Jan 09, 2024

My Dearest Sisters in the Battle for Our Lives,

Where is God in hard times? Where is He when viruses, earthquakes, and war sweep through the world? Doesn’t He know? Doesn’t...

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Surviving a Life-Altering Crash: Finding Joy and Purpose faith in christ finding joy gratitude hope in adversity testimony Feb 15, 2023

My Dear Friend,

I want to share a remarkable story of survival, a day etched into my memory forever. It was February 11, 2001, a day that would change my life. My husband and I were driving along a...

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Cast Your Burdens: Tips for Hope in Unbearable Times heavy burdens hope in adversity overcoming struggles strength in christ Feb 01, 2023

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Do you ever feel like the weight of your problems is an unbearable burden, like a giant boulder you're carrying up a steep mountain? The challenges we and our loved ones...

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When Weariness Beckons, Find Renewal, Find Jesus exhaustion faith in christ healing hope in adversity renewal self-care Oct 12, 2022

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

I must begin with a heartfelt confession: I have been utterly exhausted in recent weeks. There comes a point when juggling too many things for too long takes its toll,...

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In Our Weeping, God Abides faith in christ god is there hope in adversity hope in hard times not alone peace in christ Sep 28, 2022

My Beloved Warriors of Light,

A few weeks ago, I had a heartwarming conversation with my daughter. She shared one of her favorite short verses from the Bible: "Jesus wept." I asked her what drew...

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Weary Souls Finding Hope angels don't give up hope in adversity Sep 29, 2021

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

I want you to know that in those moments of deep discouragement and overwhelming weariness, you are not alone. Life has a way of throwing challenges that seem unending,...

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Courage, Change, and Faith: Stories of Hope change courage hope in adversity journey of faith Jun 23, 2021

My Dearest Sisters of Radiant Faith,

In the midst of life's unpredictable twists and turns, there are two words that stand as beacons of strength: Courage and Change. These two concepts are...

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