Embracing Divine Partnership: Unveiling the Power of God in Our Efforts bible verse empowerment faith in christ strength in christ women of faith Feb 20, 2024

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share an amazing quote that has deeply touched my soul: "When you do your part, the Lord adds His power to your efforts." These empowering words by Henry...

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Advice to Younger Self: Finding Strength in God faith in christ motherhood strength in christ Jul 18, 2023

Hey Warrior Women,

As I look at this photo from over 22 years ago, it takes me back to a time when life seemed overwhelming. I was recovering from a terrible car accident, trying to juggle the...

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The Day God Changed My "I Can't Do it Anymore" to I Can! autism i can do hard things strength in christ Jun 21, 2023

By Guest Blogger Jeanie Hanson, shared with permission

Today I was reminded of an experience I had as a young single Mom with my autistic son Jonathan. Our congregation had a special fast for...

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Rising Strong: A Message for Christian Women be still divine identity peace and quiet strength in christ Apr 05, 2023

Dear Sisters in Jesus,

Are you feeling the weight of exhaustion, overwhelmed by life's demands, and a bit lost in the midst of it all?

I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you. Over the...

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Bowed but Unbroken: Finding Healing in His Grace faith in christ healing hope in christ physical challenges strength in christ Mar 29, 2023

My Beloved Friend,

Recently, I stumbled upon a profound yet often overlooked story in Luke 13:11-13. A woman bent by pain for 18 years, unable to lift herself, meets Jesus. He declares, "Woman,...

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Building on the Rock: Strength in Christ bible story build on christ faith over fear strength in christ Mar 01, 2023

Hello, my fellow Hope-Full Warriors of Light!

Recently, I had the privilege of teaching a children's class at church about one of Jesus' powerful parables: the wise man and the foolish man who...

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Cast Your Burdens: Tips for Hope in Unbearable Times heavy burdens hope in adversity overcoming struggles strength in christ Feb 01, 2023

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Do you ever feel like the weight of your problems is an unbearable burden, like a giant boulder you're carrying up a steep mountain? The challenges we and our loved ones...

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Finding God's Strength in Life's Heavy Trials hard times i can do hard things life challenges strength in christ Jul 06, 2022

Dear Warrior of Light,

In the midst of life's trials, do you ever wonder if God truly walks beside you? When tears fall and despair looms, can you feel His presence? His peace? His strength?


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Finding Hope When You Feel Forsaken faith forsaken not alone strength in christ trust god Nov 10, 2021

Dear Warrior Sister,

Have you ever felt forsaken, abandoned, and alone? In the midst of life's struggles, it's easy to believe that God has turned away from us, especially when we make mistakes and...

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Battling Life's Struggles: Winning Strategies battle strategies covid empowerment jesus christ overcoming struggles resilience strength in christ Oct 27, 2021

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

Are you facing a relentless battle today? It might be depression, the weight of grief, the unwelcome companion of COVID, or even the daunting challenges posed by...

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Unleashing Unseen Strength exhaustion power in prayer strength in christ yoked to christ Oct 06, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

What do you do when you feel completely exhausted and worn out? Where do you turn?

In my life's chaotic moments, I've clung to Philippians 4:13 - "I can do ALL THINGS...

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